
I am 7 weeks pregnant. My husband and I had sex last night. An hour later I went to the bathroom. When I wiped there was tons of bright red blood. The toilet also had blood.. It looked like a period.. I went upstairs and our bed had blood on it.. We went to the emergency room. They did an internal exam and saw the dry blood but ok current bleeding. My cervix is still closed. They did a sonogram. The first one we've had... It wasn't a very good machine as the tech told us.. But we saw the gestational sac and the yolk sac inside but I couldn't see any baby forming just a yolk sac. The doctor said she saw flickers which were the heartbeat but she said they were a little weak and not consistent.. She has me on bed rest for 2 days and said she thinks everything looks good but if I have cramps or more heavy bleeding I'm more then likely going to miscarry.. I looked up other 7 week sonograms and they looked much more developed then mine.. It has me worried...