I had gone to the hospital 4 times with contractions 5 mins apart only to be sent right back home 1 ...

I had gone to the hospital 4 times with contractions 5 mins apart only to be sent right back home 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced every time (different days). On the 4th night I was 40 weeks and 5 days and it was the same story and again I was sent home. I was scheduled for an appointment for the next morning to talk about scheduling an induction around 42 weeks. I went home discouraged feeling as if she was never coming. Well...my water broke at 4 the next morning only a few hours after we had left the hospital.. And it was time at only 2 cm dilated. I had a 15 hour labor but a pretty easy ones. No more than 10 pushes to get her out. We welcomed our beautiful baby girl Nya into the world on 9/10/15 weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces measuring 20 inches long. We are so very in love!!