Please help me im struggling /do I have an infection ?

I'm a 16 Year old girl , I'm healthy , I have a mainly plant based diet. I started my period when I was 11 , in spring of fifth grade. I never had any problems until about a year later. So I've always had to deal with vaginal odor , itchiness , bumps , and lots of smelly discharge. I always thought it was because I had bad hygiene , when I was younger I was always too lazy to shower but when I was about 14 I began to become become concerned about the odor and bumps. Even though now I shower ever night before I sleep, I have to deal with terrible odor. When I was younger I was scared if I had an STD. Because I deal with bumps, odor , and itchiness. But I'm a Virgin . I've never had a partner. Depending on what part of my cycle I'm on, the smell and amount of discharge varies. I noticed their is more discharge at the end of my fertile window , causing a stronger smell forcing me to bring extra underwear and panty liners. I've done so much research and I'm pretty sure I have bacteria vaginosis but I've done nothing to cause it. Could it have been my bad hygiene as a pre teen? I shower so often now but the smell is just horrible I don't want to go to the doctor that's embarrassing I just want to get ride of it on my own. Please help me?