I really need some advice

I'm at work today, get a phone call from my ob that she wasn't able to go over my prenatal labs with me from the week before, and my urine tested positive for chlamydia. I broke down into tears. He's the only guys I've been and slept with. I'm 8 weeks pregnant. The only way I can get chlamydia is through him. Which means he has to be sleeping around?! I 
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Posted at
Chlamydia sticks with you until it's treated via antibiotics. He could've had it with no symptoms. But if he's had it for over 2 years it was def start causing very harsh symptoms. I'm sorry girl😟


Tristen • Sep 29, 2015
But it's very possible he may have had no symptoms


Posted at
Labs can make mistakes i would have your dr retest you and if it is positive then i would confront your boyfriend.


Posted at
Or he could have gotten it before you 


mockingbird. 🐾 • Sep 29, 2015
Melody it won't go away without treatment.


Melody • Sep 29, 2015
I honestly don't know how long it stays with you. If it's something that once you get your stuck. Or what the time zone is. :/ best of luck to you. Hopefully it was from before:/


Jazzlyn • Sep 29, 2015
I've been with him for two years


Posted at
Yeah I got tested in April and it was negative.. So it had to be recent. He had to been sleeping around.. Thanks girls!


Posted at
Just found this:(. I am so sorry:( cannot imagine what your going through:/