
Ok so me and my boyfriend haven't been trying to get pregnant but haven't been trying to prevent it either. I started ovulating the 15th and we had unprotected sex 3 times during my fertile period. I'm 6 days away from my regular period and had a weird brown discharge yesterday morning. I read this could be implantation spotting and that it's usually light and goes away after a few days. Unexpected i started pouring. Blood. It then stopped and I had not wen spots wen I wiped. I experienced the same issue this morning only a little lighter. It's very thin and has no clots and seems to just happen randomly. I've never had this happen before. I also have sore breast, lower back pain, and smells are making me sick to my stomach. My mood swings are a little crazy too. Could it be that I pregnant? Is some heavybleeding during in implantation normal? Ive read tht it is on some sights and not on others. It's still to early for me to take a pregnancy test though. Has anyone else ever experienced this?