Not sure I've in over reacting or not

My husband always chalks it up to my pregnancy hormones, but lately it seems everything makes me cry. I've NEVER been the type to talk about what I'm thinking of or feelings it just wasn't the family I grew up with type style, so whenever something bothers me I say "nothing" and he gets mad cause it happens all the time but we end up talking about it. Well it first started with his friend (who's a girl) wants to take him to Dollyworld Friday-Sunday and help her with storage unit down there, all without me! Then he added an old friend on Facebook who's a girl and said "I've missed talking to my best friend " then yesterday his ex girlfriend who is the mother to his kids calls him crying asking to drop the girls off without me so they can talk and even asked for him to sit in her car so they can talk, excuse me but NONE of this is appropriate while being married!! 
But to his defense he isn't talking to that girl on Facebook just messaged a few times and he isn't going to Dollyworld since we only have 14 weeks till our baby comes, he wants to keep peace with his ex for the girls sake, but it is ridiculous how inappropriate she is, but he always tells me how he chose to marry me not her, and how no one can change his mind about me which is nice but I still find it inappropriate