I need to vent!

I am almost 18 weeks pregnant, and for the last week or so, I have been having what I am 100% sure are Braxton Hicks. Everyone I've talked to and everything I've read about them have fit the description of what I feel. They are not painful, just uncomfortable, strange feeling, and last about 15-30 seconds. They begin as a tightening in my lower abdomen that reaches to the center of my pelvis area. They usually only happen when I'm sitting still (or at least that's when I tend to notice them more) I mentioned them to my OB last week and she said "oh your too early for that". Which really annoys me! As every woman is different and everything I read says that people CAN and DO sometimes feel them early! she completely excused how I felt... well I ran in to a woman who is also pregnant and sees a midwife through Kaiser who told her that you absolutely can experience them early on, and that sometimes can be from dehydration and/or over exertion. I have Kaiser so I decided to send the doctor who's filling in for my OB an email regarding my concerns and wondering wether or not it's something in my daily routine that I may need to change.. Well after 3 days of no reply, I finally got an email back, just to say that "well it could be just be pain from you supporting your growing uterus, since you are overweight!" I was completely appaled! Not that I don't already know that I'm not skinny, but I am also not obese either! But it was more the fact that she completely excused my concern, didn't even address my questions, and just told me to medicate with extra strength Tylenol and to get a belly band! Why would I medicate with a pain reliever, if I clearly stated I am in NO pain!?! I feel like that just because I am a first time mom, doctors just assume that I can't tell the difference between normal aches and pains VS. something OBVIOUSLY different! I know my body and I have already experienced the round ligament pains from the uterus expanding, however this is not pain and does not feel even close to the same! I just don't get it. Is this the kind of treatment I'm going to continue to get every time I bring up a question or concern? Aren't doctors supposed to take in to consideration what we describe and only WE feel? Maybe part of this is hormones, but I am so beyond frustrated... Sorry for the novel! Just needed to vent..