No time for sex?

My husband and I have been together 4 years. Married a year and a half. We have a 3yr old. My husband works 7days a week 12 hr days. By the time he makes it home it's dinner, baths and bed. & back up at 5:30am for him to head to work. We feel like we never have time to bd. we are currently ttc. Is it just us?! 
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Try bd when he's up for work


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We are in the same boat. We usually do it right b4 bed, then he usually rolls over and passes out 😃😃 Or he will tell me to wake him up early to do it b4 he goes to work.


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I'm a stay at home mom with 3 kids and my husband works on a farm his hours gets crazy we been TTC for 4 months now, it's been hard finding time when he's not to tired... with the crazy hours.... :/ so I'm in the same boat he goes to work around 4am and some times doesn't come home till 8 at night or later. :/


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Try to plan in advance a date night just so you guys can have a special time together. I had to do that with my husband bc he works alot we live with family so not alot of private time