Refuses to marry

Haley • I am 21 years of age, I have a beautiful 2 year old daughter, and an amazing fiancé!
I've been engaged to my fiancé for going on 5 years and he refuses to marry me. When I ask him why he tells me he has no reason just doesn't want to. Should I be worried? And I always get up set when he says this cause I feel strongly on the situation and he don't even care.
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Posted at
Soooo...when he proposed instead of saying "will you marry me" did he say "will you wear a ring but never make a legal commitment?" It sounds like a classic case of: why buy the cow when you're getting the milk for free? Lol I hate how sexist that phrase is but  sometimes it's true. 


Posted at
What's the point of asking a woman to marry you if you can't commit to marriage? Sounds like it's time to move on.


🙈🙉🙊 • Oct 1, 2015
Meg, it means no more than being a girlfriend if you don't plan to marry. It's ridiculous.


Haley • Oct 1, 2015
That's literally what I just told him. Why did you ask me if you didn't mean it then? What was the point. He just shrugged his shoulders .


meg 💛 • Oct 1, 2015
some people simply don't want to be married but being engaged signifies a commitment.


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That happened to my last fiancée we broke up & stayed friends. A year later I'm married to my soulmate. I regret nothing we would probably would still be engaged if I was with him.


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I'd have to walk. 5 years is a long time to give someone who still won't commit. If you want marriage settle for nothing less. You'll find someone wonderful who would marry you on the spot, THAT is what you deserve.


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Lol why are you using the term fiance


Monica • Oct 1, 2015
But now he seems to have no intention on following through. I'd hand the ring back and see what he says.


Haley • Oct 1, 2015
Because we are engaged? He asked me to marry him?


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Why are you engaged then? He asked you to marry him, except didn't actually mean it?


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I dated an ex seven years, and when I called it off he said he was about to ask 😂


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My boyfriend and me and engaged if we never get married and we are still together I'm perfectly fine with it. :)


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Well if marriage is important to you then you have to decide if it's a deal breaker or not...


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Im kind of on the same page here ive been with my boyfriend for 6 yrs now we have a 3 yr old but acording to him he does have an excuse...sad to say but I think I already am giving up to the marriage idea