So weird.. Need opinions

So I ovulated late this cycle (peak day by glow was the 18th but I kept testing to be sure. I got a very positive test on the 21/22 so I'm pretty sure I ovulated the 22nd. Because of this, I'm assuming my period would be pushed back (suppose to be oct. 3rd) if I'm calculating right, next tues oct. 6th is when af will arrive. 
I always get af symptoms a week before she's due. Sore boobs, bloating etc. This is my 3rd month TTC #1 and every month I've felt what I thought were possibly "pregnancy symptoms" or so I thought but now I don't feel anything. No af symptoms and no prego symptoms. I've developed nasal congestion and have had slight cramping on and off but nothing that sticks out... I just feel weird and confused..
I'm approximately 9dpo and tested yesterday and was negative (I know too early but glow suggested it based on my period supposed to be coming Saturday)
Also I'm VERY regular. 
Any input us appreciated :)