Horrible anxiety and panic

To make a long story short I suffer from anxiety, panic and depression. I'm on Zoloft for the depression which takes the edge off the depression I guess. I was also taking ativan for the anxiety and panic. I've been on these meds for many many years. I understand ativan is a group d drug and can be harmful in pregnancy so my doctor has began weaning me off. I'm really worried about that because I know how bad my anxiety /panic will be without my med.

So my questions are, has anyone with similar issues As mine taken ativan and had a healthy baby?

And, if its not an option anymore (or until at least I deliver) what can others recommend that helped them and was also safe for baby. I don't want something bad to happen to my bean but I'm afraid with me constantly panicking it's going to cause stress on bean anyways.

I need advice.


Thanks ladies