Sent me home!

As a lot of you know I'm currently 32+3 with di/di twin girls. I went into preterm labor at 23 weeks and went back in at 31 weeks when I was discharged my cervix was 3cm dilated and 75% effaced, well I lost a huge piece of my mucus plug two days ago and decided to go in....I was having contractions but not regularly and my cervix had changed!!!! I am currently 4cm dilated and 100% effaced but unbelievably this time instead of admitting me they let me go home....I've been having crazy back and pelvic pains and peeing like every 10 minutes and stressing because I live so far from the hospital and doctors said I don't have to be 10cm complete for my babies to come out. Should I prepare myself to go into labor soon or do I have a few more days until it's time????? Every time I just brush a pain off as nothing its something and when I really think it's something the doctors act like its nothing. Totally confused right now.