SCH/Empty Sac

Jessica • 10.19.13 Wifey to the best husband | 10.22.14 Mommy to the sweetest baby boy | 05.23.16 Baby #2 |
I went in for an ultrasound at 6 weeks + 5 days for abnominal cramping. The ultrasound revealed one healthy baby (measuring 7 weeks) with a heart rate of 128 BPM, and also either a.) An empty sac or B.) A subchorionic hemorrhage. I have to follow up with my OB this week to find out which. Has anyone went through this? At 6 weeks + 5 days and an empty sac, is there any way that twin B will eventually pop up, if there is a twin? Or is basically a lost cause at this point? I'm so upset over this whole situation..