Daycare disadvantage

Megan • Trying for our third! First baby a miscarriage, chemical then rainbow. Second baby 9 months of trying 4 with clomid. Hoping for a quick easy pregnancy for #3
Spent another night in the ER : ( Landon us a cough and was wheezey and was getting worse at around 7:30 so we rushed to the Children's hospital express care they closed at 8, got there at 8:01. So we found another urgent care open till 9 they diagnosed him with croup and sent us to the ER to get a steroid shot where they tested him for RSV, he was negative thankfully and gave him the shot we got home around 12:30. Poor baby is so miserable! He's had 2 colds and now the croup in 3 weeks! Not looking forward to this winter!!!!