No BD for 7 days...Ovulation quickly approaching. Wait the seven days and try next time or wait till I ovulate?

🦖Meg🦕 • It’s time, I am ready. After several miscarriages, one ectopic & finally one pregnancy that made it to term. We have waited a few years before even thinking about it. Now We are ready! TTC for #2.
I had my HSG Friday. The test itself went fine but my body had a nerve panic episode. (Apparently it happens, though uncommon & I got lucky) After that my OBGYN said no sex for 7days. Ovulation is apparently a riveting early this time. I don't wish to miss this. We have been trying for 2 years. If I estimate properly I should ovulate Wednesday. I was thinking that would be early enough to try; 5 days is alight? I'm unsure. Any advice?

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