No husband support

Jené • 23 years old married, mommy to a beautiful daughter 12-22-13 and handsome son 9-8-15.💜💙
I love my husband dearly don't get me wrong, but he isn't very supportive as I'd like him to be with this being pure 2nd baby. My son will be a month on the 8th and my daughter will be 2 in December. I ask him about things I should do for them and I get the idk or okay. But because he doesn't help to much or only will when I get to the point of hyperventilating crying(has only happened once) his not very much help. He complains if I ask him to change a diaper(my daughter still in them but in the process of potty training) so I have two butts to change.. His excuse he worked all day. I'm a stay at home mom I work everyday from late to early with a few hours of sleep. But now my son is in bed with us cause he won't feed the milk I pumped cause his my daughter is still in bed with us because the same thing happened when she was a newborn... I feel like a single mom with a roommate I have sex with... Why can't I have a husband who wants involved or to help me out without me nagging or getting so worked up. Sorry if this is in the wrong spot but these post hormones an everything have me all kinds of emotional an I just need to vent to a third party. I do honestly love him like I said but idk if it's me an the hormones feeling like this all over again.