Miscarried on husbands birthday :'(


I ended up in the ER yesterday at around 10:30PM on my husband's birthday /:

They did my blood and my HCG levels were at 54. They said even with the amount of blood I was loosing they thought it was a threatened miscarriage but they never did an ultrasound or anything.

I Feel like he was just trying to spair me the pain and was trying to be nice.

I woke up every hour threw the night and eventually got lower back pain and cramps while i was passing golf ball sized blood clots and the toliet was filling with blood.

At one point my husband said "man you sure do have to pee" when all it was , was blood pouring out of me.

Im going to call my drs office tomorrow morning to get it confirmed.

My boobs have been very tender these past 3 weeks and today they are hardly sore at all.

I emotional feel messed up. I just want to cry.