​​ We've been trying to conceive for almost 7 months (since we got married)

Aiza • "I am growing to be a best version of me :) "
 We've been trying to conceive for almost 7 months (since we got married). I have an irregular period which makes it hard for me to know if it's just missing period due to my pcos or I am already pregnant, I remembered all the times I have to test, and see a negative result. I got 7 failed pregnancy test before I see this two line that will change my life forever. Yesterday, I decided to take a test again, because I've been delayed for almost a month now.. At first, the result was negative. I got my heart broken again, "Lord, again? :( how many negative result will you give?" I was about to cry, and throw away the stick I was holding. Something inside me made me want to pick the stick again. Surprisingly, another line appeared. It was a faint line though, but it was the first time. My heart was pounding. I want to shout with joy but my husband was sleeping and I don't want to wake him up for something that's not sure. There were still doubts in my mind because it's my first time to see it. So I immediately texted someone pregnant who used the same brand of PT kit that I used. I asked her to viber me her result.. tenen!! looks the same with mine. but I still wanna make sure so I decided to go to an oby and I underwent to transv~ confirmed i am 4 weeks pregnant!! thank you Lord for this wonderful blessing:) right now, we still monitor if the pregnancy will continue  and succeed. please include us in your prayers:) thanks!