When to breast feed/bottle feed??

Jamaica • Hello! Been using glow since i was 15 and went through a pregnancy and still using Glow! I love it❤️

Sooo my situation is kinda complicated because I'm still in school and I'll be having my 1st baby Nov 30 😀(boy😄💙) I'll still be in school during that time. and I was wondering when would be a good time to pump? I mean my hubby or my mom-n-law will be able to bottle feed him while I'm away I just sometimes fear that my baby won't have enough milk by the time I get home to feed him myself.

So for all the mommies who have breast feed before could shed some light on this nonexperience new mama to be on when to pump during the day when I get home? Or at night so I could freeze it and it could be warmed during the day when I'm away?

Thanks 😉