The past 3 nights of no sleep 😱😵

Kayla • Married & we had our perfect baby boy on 03/21/2015, Pierce Huntlee. He was 7lbs 10oz, & 19.5 in 💙
So.... Mr. Pierce has been waking up every hour for the past 3 nights, crying. I THINK it's his teeth but nothing seems to be helping. I don't know what else I can try. He wakes up chewing on his hands crying, and he's not hungry because he'll only drink an ounce or two. I'm tempted to try the amber teething necklace during the day to see if the amber continues thru the night although I'm a little afraid of them. Any insight or similar experiences? He went from waking once or twice to all night, I'm exhausted and we both have a cold which isn't helping.