
Yertle 🐢 • Enjoying the journey as a wife, mother, and a someone who cares a whole awful lot.
At 31 weeks, I had a growth scan and left very excited that baby was in the head down position! Due to some pain I was having today at 34 weeks, I went to see my doctor and they ended up doing a non-stress test.. Everything checked out OK, except for the fact that where they found the heart beat makes them suspicious that she may no longer be head down. I have an appointment next week and they'll do a sonogram to check on her position. 
Is there anything I can do to help turn her back around? I have no clue at what point this should be a concern.. They said by 38 weeks if she doesn't turn then we may have to have a conversation about a c-section, which I'd really like to avoid if at all possible!