Nora came a day before her scheduled C-section (breech presentation)

Nora came a day before her scheduled C-section (breech presentation). Woke up with mild contractions 6 minutes apart, and then a gush of blood (like a period) which prompted me to call my doctor who sent me to L&D. Only dilated 1 cm 60% effaced, however after an HOUR I dilated to 3 cm and 90% effaced. Since she was breech and scheduled to go the next day, they decided to get her today. My water broke right after I got my spinal in the OR, and she was born 7 minutes after the uterine incision was made. A whopping 8 lbs 3 oz, 20 inches long! We are truly grateful and blessed. Best of luck to all other October mamas and your little babes.