Help needed - Newborn doesn't like her bassinet.

My 2 & a half week old daughter has no problems sleeping when being held, in a car seat, pram or her swing but when put into her bassinet (asleep, drowsy or awake) more often than not she wakes up. During the day she is better than at night. We resettle her during the day with gently rocking and that usually works but can take an hour or more and will often require a top up feed. During the night she will fall asleep feeding in bed with us but at least 50% of the time she won't go back to her bed, no matter what we do. We tried letting her self settle but when crying she very quickly becomes short of breath and starts wheezing & coughing. I feel like I am constantly feeding her and it's exhausting me and causing her to sick-up more & more, which just makes her more unsettled. As time goes on it just seems to get worse. 
She is breastfeed and does not have a pacifier. I'm at a loss as my first was a great sleeper. Does anyone have any tips on getting a newborn to sleep in their own bed?