

Has anyone had their FSH, AMH, Estrogen, and Progesterone tested and been told that they have premature ovarian failure and they they will never be able to conceive with their own eggs????

I am 31 years old and was told this.. it was the most devastating news I've ever been told!!! Since then,  I've started taking DHEA, COQ10, Agnus Castus, and a prenatal vitamin, and also started doing acupuncture.... We are also using preseed during the time that i should be ovulating..

Have any of u or anyone you know been told the same thing and conceived???? Please give me hope!!! I want a baby more than anything!!!

Thanks so much!!!

 Has anyone had their AMH, FSH, Progesterone, and Estrogen tested and been told that they will not ever be able to conceive with their own eggs???? Been told they have premature ovarian failure??

I am 31 years old and I've been told this.. it was the most devastating news I've ever been told!! Right away i started researching and trying to do everything i can to make it possible to conceive.. I started taking DHEA, COQ10, Agnus Castus, and a prenatal vitamin... We also have been using preseed during the time that i should be ovulating....

Has anyone or anyone u know been told a similar situation and ended up conceiving and having a healthy baby???

Please give me hope!!!

Thanks so much