Has this happened to anyone else

I went to the er last night I was bleeding and cramping. We went to check in I told the woman I'm almost 10 weeks I am bleeding bright red and cramping she told me it would be a 5 hour wait to even get to see a nurse. Went back to my home town and went to the er told the nurse what was wrong and before I even got into a bed or near my bed the rude doctor told me I was fine it's normal to bleed at 9 weeks and I wasn't at risk for miscarriage or anything like seriously you haven't even asked me anything how much pain it is how much blood ur just gonna tell me I'm fine he sent me home after being there for like twenty minutes. We went to 4 different hospitals just to be told nobody is on call to come check me or my baby out. Sorry for the rant but I think it's kinda bs.....