AF is officially late!

Soooo AF was due yesterday. She never showed. My periods have been extremely regular for over a year now. Never late sometimes a day or two early. Idk what to think. I don't want to get too excited because she could always be playing with me lol. But I've been having different symptoms than my usual. My lower back is in so much pain. It is so sore and it just appeared out of no where. My breasts just have a dull ache, they've been achey since 6dpo which is very early for them to be hurting. Headaches that last for hours and keep happening a few times a day. And I have cold-like symptoms. Sore throat. Stuffy nose. Is anyone experiencing similar symptoms? Anyone with a similar cycle as me? If so, have you tested? Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thank you ladies! 😊😊😊