Do you guys think I might go in early? 😰

Ok so everyday that goes by, I get more and more convinced i will not make it till December 15th. I'm 31 weeks and ive posted before how tierd and miserable i feel (hate to say miserable because pregnancy sopposed to be a wonderful feeling) I've been getting braxton hicks so bad since Saturday and excessive discharge.. I called the hot line because i was concerned of how strong and frequent they were, they said i had to go in and get checked, i was in bed by then and fell asleep, I could feel them while sleeping but hubby wasn't in town (out working) and i had no one to call to watch the kids at 3 am, so I didn't go this was Saturday. Yesterday i felt the same the whole day.. Today i woke up super tired and sleepy took a nap around 9am and didn't wake up till now 12:50 pm i could feel them braxton in my sleep.. I have an ultrasound on Wednesday because i guess baby measures 34 weeks.. This pregnancy has been very  complicated. When i was 2 months and 5 months, I was on bed rest and was told i was on high risk of misscarrage.. Some one asked me yesterday if i was past my due date because baby looked like he was goin to fall right out, when i told her I wasn't due till December she was very surprised.. What do you all think?? 
These are the braxton hicks i was getting this morning..