Mature Ppl only...

So me i just a a beautiful baby girl my first & im 3 weeks 4days PP & had a c section ...and i know you suppose to wait 6weeks but i had sex cause personally I couldn't wait no longer... So been doing that for that last 2 weeks but the other day We did it and the condom poped And i just jump to conclusions and got all scared and i saw a lil sperm yeah that... But and i got scared i asked 50+ questions like did you nut it in me are your sure Ext ext panic questions cause personally i don't want no more kids till she like 5 yrs old or at least in school... But long story short i told him to go buy plan b but they was out so he saw Take Action he got it i took it that night but my whole concern is How do I know it works & how fast can you get pregnant as being PP....Cause lawd i don't want no more baby's and to have my kids 9-10 months apart...  I JUST NEED A POSTIVE ANSWER PLEASE NO NEGATIVE ANSWER... Or give me good feedback