😣don't know what to do..tmi

So I have placenta previa and I'm on pelvic rest, which means no sex or anything. I still am able to give my bf oral, which I do cause I feel bad. I saw a picture of another girl on his phone when I was going through looking at pictures of our vacation. I wasn't trying to snoop or anything like that. Well I confronted him and it didn't get anywhere... He told me to leave if I couldn't trust him.. So for our baby's sake I let it slide. Well the other day I was giving him oral, And he has his phone I look up and I see him looking at a picture of another girl! I didn't know what to even say..or do....I've felt so crappy about myself since being pregnant, my looks have gone out the window... This just makes me feel down right horrible. Anyone go through something similar? :(