Confusing BF, please help

Alright ladies.... I'm not sure what to do here. I met this guy in early July at a party at a friends house, im 19 and he's 21. we had some pretty great chemistry and he asked me to be his gf on like the 4th date I've never dated anyone before and I've barely been kissed (thank you all girls high school) so I was pretty nervous in the beginning. Basically he was my first, we started having sex pretty frequently. I started to open up a lot more and initiate contact now and then.

School started in September an in between his work and both of our studies we see each other maybe once a week. Here's my issue: he hasn't even kissed me in basically a month or even tried to get somewhat close. Today was the tipping point, he came over for dinner at my house (I live with my parents, whom he's met before) and I needed to study for midterms and asked if he'd help me. Instead he just watched TV with my parents while I studied alone in my room.

This is pretty embarrassing to post, I don't even know what to do in this situation at all - I want to initiate some sort of show of affection but I don't want to be rejected and I don't really know how to. Also I can't tell if he's just blatantly not into me anymore. It makes me feel like I'm disgusting and unworthy of affection. I want to talk to him about it but I don't even know where to start. Any advice?