My chunked turned two months on Oct 9. 11lbs 6oz I learned breast milk was hurting his belly. Soy does him just right. No more long days and nights. We're on a schedule and he's a much happier baby. He's a HUGE mama's Boy!

Nettie • Mommy of Two Boys
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My girl was 11 lbs 9oz at her 1 month appointment!!!  


Nettie • Oct 14, 2015
What a chunk!!! I'm sure she's adorb!!!!


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Congrats! Can I ask how you discovered your breast milk didn't sit well with him?


Nettie • Oct 14, 2015
He would cry when he would be drinking from my breast and then every night starting at 11 he would just cry for 2-3 hours in pain.


Nettie • Oct 14, 2015
Would help. I did it for a week and when I when we went to his next visit I explained everything to his doctor that he's been much better since he's been on Soy without breastmilk n he said that he may be lactose but we would have to wait and see if he could tolerate cows milk when he turns one


Nettie • Oct 14, 2015
Well I had landed in the hospital again when he two weeks for a staph infection so I had to pump and dump n he was put on formula. We experimented 4 diff formulas n finally SoY worked but he was still very gassy and crabby, so I had decided one day I would stop giving him breast milk to see if that


Posted at
So freakin cute 😍😍


Nettie • Oct 13, 2015
Thank uuuuuuu 😊