Hapoy induction story!

Kaitlyn 💙🐥🐣 • Nicholas Zachary was born October 3rd at 8:07 pm, weighing 8 pounds 11oz and 20 inches long!
I got induced two weeks ago with my son and I LOVED it!! Granted I was in labor for 37 hours, but I had no pain until my water broke (exactly 24 hours after) and even then it was slight cramping, and after about 20 minutes of that I had no pain. I couldn't feel my contractions at all and I slept for most of my labor, they even had to wake me up when it was time to push! I pushed for less than an hour, labored down and slept for an hour and then I pushed exactly 6 times and I had my son, only needing 2 small stitches. And my son was 8 pounds 11 oz. I know most induction stories are scary, but I just wanted you to know it doesn't always suck:) now I have my son and I couldn't be happier!