Last Baby Girl #4 Birth Story 😂

Araceli • Momma of 3 beauties & Expecting Baby Girl #4 on September 28, 2015.
I was due 9/28 and was set to get induced on Monday 10/5, well my contractions started Sunday 10/4 at 830pm, didn't think anything as they were 10mins apart within the 3hrs that I was timing 1145pm I called L&D and they told me to go ahead and come I hung up I'm not kidding contractions became 2mins and I felt I was gonna have my little mamas in my sisters once the contractions stopped enough for me to walk to the car that's when I started feeling that I needed to push and I was 30mins away from hospital and my sister decided to call 911, paramedics came took me to the nearest hospital and as we walked through ER and once L&D doors open my baby girl was born in the hallway at 1244am...for the rest of our hospital stay we were famous...had to share since she is my last baby she had to make her grand entrance!!!