A little down...

I got a call from my OB today stating that they are totally turning me over to a high risk doctor as my conditions are too much for her to handle.  I am crushed.  I knew I was high risk, but not at the point where she would totally transfer me away as a patient. During my last pregnancy with my now 22-month old boy, she co-managed my pregnancy with a high risk doctor that I loved, but he has since moved away and can not assist with this pregnancy...double whammy.  I am forced to have my baby at a hospital that I do not like due to a bad experience with my first pregnancy, a twin pregnancy in which I lost my baby boys at 21 weeks. And the same team of doctors from back then will be working with me now.  Because the ONLY high risk doctor that covered the hospital I prefer in Savannah is gone, I'm forced into a situation I don't want to be in.  I have my first appointment Monday.  Please pray that I get some clarity and a good level of service for my sanity.  I'm high risk due to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, fibroid and incompetent cervix.