VBAC vs C-section Help???


My first babies labor/contractions was actually going fine & right on schedule. Date & timing...I was dilated 8 cm when my mom flipped during my contractions because my dad walked in with "the step mother" Needless to say bad words started being yelled from one end of the room to the other counters smacked and all..My blood pressure shot up because I was trying to calm my mother down. My daughter's heart rate started dropping at a dangerous level. Nurses threatened to call security but I told them I would calm my mother down..

One thing led to another and before I new it nurses & Dr called for a emergency c-section. As we ran down the hall banging into wall corners I signed paperwork in the air and my daughter was born soon there after.. My husband & I still really forgotter the stress from that day and we dread the same issue happening again with our next babies due date (May 2015)

My curiosity is at if I should do a VBAC or just go ahead and schedule a c section. So far, our plan is...Start out with the plan of my mother being in the room. But if weeks before she starts her ranting about my step mother..It'll just be my hubby & I in the room maybe my BFF or 19+ yrs but that's it.

Can anyone help me with this? What are the pros & cons of a VBAC vs C-section??