TTC in 3rd cycle

I know first hand how dissapointing it can be trying to conceive. My husband and I went through this with our first child who is 2 1/2 years old now. We are trying for a second one and I'm getting just as frustrated as I did he las time. I don't know what it is with my husband but I swear he seems in the mood just shy a day or two of ovulation and then when it comes time to actually have sex on the BD day he tries to drag it on and completely puts me not in the mood anymore and last night he wouldn't even finish so that we could possibly conceive. Just didn't know if anyone else was going through this and what they did to get out of this slump.  To add to this I was testing and I was at a low on Friday night we had sex and then retested the next morning and was at high then yesterday was at peak and he wasn't into finishing and it is so dissapointing when you know you could have made a baby and it just won't happen.