Do you ever wish you weren't related to your family?

So I have this aunt of mine. And she is 31 and her birthday is on Halloween so she will be 32 here very soon. And the only time she ever talks to me is when she wants me to do something for her. Loan her money that she never pays back. Bring her places because she doesn't have a car and can't drive. And it's just really really annoying. She's just one of those people that you literally feel exhausted from just spending any small amount of time with her. I can't even talk to her on the phone without getting a headache. She lies all the time and I'm really getting sick of her trying to live off of me when I don't make very much money either. I make enough for myself. Not to loan her money all the time when she tells me it's for food and toilet paper but then she goes out and buys pot and heroin instead. I find it really sad that she's more than 10 years older than me and I have my life more together than she does. She's just so selfish and doesn't care about anyone but herself. She'll squeeze whatever she can out of you and then toss you to the side like she never even knew you. And she does nothing to better herself. She doesn't go out to try and get a job. She makes excuses. "Oh I can't get a job because I'm a felon" well yeah you can you just have to LOOK. "I can't go anywhere I don't have a car." Well stop spending all your money on drugs and you could buy a car, and buy your own food, and your own toilet paper. I just wish I wasn't related to her sometimes because it's so frustrating to have family members like this.  And me being pregnant now I have far better things to be doing and spending my money on then stressing out over my grown adult aunt that should be perfectly well and able to take care of herself 😩 end rant. Sorry.