Should be getting induced right now....but

Labor and delivery called last night to cancel my "elective" induction. I am 40w and now 5 days over due. I don't see this as a completely "elective induction" and was so upset by it. I am 4cm 75% effaced but my body will just not produce any contractions (that i have noticed). I was so ready to meet my little man, and finish out this pregnancy. I am so uncomfortable and starting to be extremely swollen, I was so ready to be done with this chapter. Now I have to wait until my doctor office opens this morning to try and get another induction date. Which when I originally booked today's they were booked all this week and next, so who knows when now. Im also going to "demand" an appointment for today. My biggest fear is something going wrong now that I'm almost 41 weeks. What an emotional roller coaster of a day/night!!!!