About to cut someone🔪🔪🔪

Mariah • Nerd. MCU <3
So ladies I have a story for you:
My husband and I have been together a total of two years. I lost my virginity to him. He lost his when he was 17 to someone else. They broke up 4 years ago because she admitted to cheating on him multiple times. Anywho, my husband is in law enforcement, loves God with all of his heart and we have talked in great detail about our past before each other. His ex isn't a daily, or monthly topic, and his ex is older than him by a year. We are married with a baby due any time now. He is in this awesome job. And just got a message after four years from his ex's mom and it basically says in so many words: I know what you did to my daughter and if you don't tell your employer and your parents I will!.....
He is completely confused. He and his ex dated for three years. They had sex a total of four times. One of those times he was on medication and she basically tried to rape him while he was out of it. Like I said she is year older than him. So it's not like him having sex with her was illegal, they were both minors. And if ANYTHING when she turned 18 she was in the wrong. He never EVER hit her or harmed her physically. He admitted he wanted to slap her a few times but I can't blame him she's crazy!!! She even messaged him while we were engaged trying to bring up mushy feelings. He said the worst thing he ever did was yell at her. 
And NOW this bitch is telling her mom some crap trying to get him in trouble???? After four years???? WTF?!!!!! I know that unless they have evidence or proof they won't be able to do anything. And his bosses know about the situation... But I already wanted to cut her for what she did to him four years ago... Now... I could do some damage to that bitch. What is her deal???????????😡😡😡😡🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪