What's wrong with me?!

I got pregnant with my twins after one oopsie when I was in my teens. I got pregnant with my third after one oopise. I became pregnant again with a "non" oopsie literally 6 days prior to ovulation. That pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. We are now PURPOSELY trying for another and it's been THREE flipping months with no luck. Everyone has always called me fertile myrtle and all of a sudden it's not happening!!! I'm taking prenatals, vitamin D (I'm deficient), fertility drops from Sprouts and red raspberry leaf tea. Also been doing OPK's and have been getting regular, obvious positives. I feel like my MC left me damaged or something. I MC naturally by the way at 4-5 weeks and was checked and given the go ahead right after. Anyone else? What's wrong? :( BTW same partner....