Thank You Glow

Jackie • Trying for our 1st child. We recently miscarried with our first pregnancy.
Thank You Glow!!! Finally after all these years I'm going to be a Mother!!! Never give up ladies, it will get rough at times. It took us 1 year, using the <a href="">Glow app</a>. We married September 5, 2014 (after a decade together) It will seem like EVERYONE else is getting pregnant, but you. Keep faith God will deliver in his own time. My husband and I are 6wks pregnant today with our 1st child, I'm 36 he is 35. We conceived September 13th. So far, two weeks after conceiving I had "a cold" went to the ER, had a negative pregnancy test, had an x-ray and was diagnosed with bronchitis. I was expecting spotting as if a period, this is why I was tested. (that was on the 1st of October aprox 17 dpo) I was experiencing cramping and tender breast (as if I would before or during my cycle) for about 2wks and a little nauseous here and there. I took my first home test on October 18th, Glow told me to wait until the 19th (as my cycle was due in a cpl day's). We got our 1st BFP!!!! We were in shock so we went to sleep, the next morning my husband bought 2 more test. Here's what we saw!!!! We confirmed with blood work on October 22nd!!!! It's slowly sinking in ****Baby dust to all ****