First time trying to get pregnant!! Help

Hey gorgeous!! I'm sweety (30 years old) 
So, after 7 years of our marriage, me and my husband finally agreed to get a baby. Before that, we talked to my doctor, and she did my complete health check up and recommended me to take prenatal vitamins. I got my result back and I am very healthy. I had my period in 23rd August, then we planned for pregnancy. So, I planned after my September period which was in 25th Septemner. This whole month, we researched and did everything to conceive in this month. I tested with ovulation kit. My ovulation period didn't match with Glow tracker. With ghe help of ovulation kit, I figured my ovulation period, and we tried straight 4 days. This month, may be its my psychology, but  I felt like very tired, restless and all. I think I am pregnant. I wanted to do the pregnant test so bad, but I thought I will wait for my period date. So, today is 25th October, which is suppose to be my period first day of cycle, but since I didn't get my period I did the pregnancy test, and it was negative. It shows that I am not pregnant. But, what annoys me is that I didn't get my period. My husband and I are kinda off, today on this day he was with me all day. I feel little unmotivated, but I don't know why I feel like I'm pregnant. Did I tested it too early guys? 😞I'm just scared that I will get my period tomorrow or later this week. I don't have symptoms of period at all :( except tenderness in boobs. Usually my lower abdomen cramp but not this time !!