How long is normal if I have not been activatly tracking / trying to get pregnant?

I am 28 years old and have wanted to get pregnant for years now. Me and my partner have not used contraception for around 3 years however we dont have sex often enough maybe every 6 weeks or so but maybe a lot of times across a few days like a binge and then a drought for a while (life is busy!) we have only started looking into <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> etc and actually doing it at the right time. Is this normal that we haven't been successful taking the casual approach? Do we really need to be trying as in checking when Im ovulating and doing it then every month until it happens? Also when I was 21 I had a surgical abortion could this affect my conception now? I have regular easy enough periods not really bad cramps but I do get very moody!
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You have to have sex around ovulation so every 6 weeks is not usually enough but the rule of thumb is usually less than a year if you are in your twenties. A surgical abortion could cause fertility problems for instance if you had scar tissue but a doctor would have to do a workup.


Samantha • Oct 26, 2015
It shouldn't I have had 2 d&c; due to miscarriage but it's always a possibility. You should see your doctor get checked out and have more sex. Try every other day next month if you don't want to monitor and see if that helps. Good luck.


HELEN • Oct 26, 2015
Hi, it was a straightforward procedure and didn't have any complications but how would I know if I had scar tissue? it was a suction method knocked out over in mins I think :-s at the time I was advise it wouldn't affect future conception..


Posted at
I&apos;ve been trying for 3 years have been pregnant twice sadly ended in early miscarriages found out I had a cyst on ovary but should still be able to get pregnant GP has given me another year to try then he will go down hospital route really u should make an appointment with ur GP and talk to them they are a good help


Mary • Oct 26, 2015
Yes u might need to check when your ovaluating and have sex a bit more than 6 weeks awk thanks hopefully soon baby dust hopefully to us both soon ☺☺


HELEN • Oct 26, 2015
Hi yes I think I will have to as winging it isn't working and I want to makesure every is ok thanks :-) I hope you get pregnant soon it's sad when there are problems :-(