He's here!

Cassidy • Due any day now! Ready to meet my little man! (:
At 11:45pm on 10/26 my water decided to break all over my bed, my living room, and my kitchen as I yelled to my SO that it was time. (Boy was there A LOT of fluid) arrived at the hospital at 11:50pm and was in my own room but 12:15am on 10/27. I was at a 5 and was having contractions every 10 min so they decided to start me on Pitocin to help speed things along. After that was begging for my epidural (which wore off in my legs in the middle of birth and I could feel everything on the left side) But at 9:30am I was 9 1/2 cm dilated. But 11:00am I was at a 10 and it was time to start pushing to get him to crown... At 1:47pm, after having to use suction and having a second degree episiotomy, my sweet baby boy, Timothy Paul Maynard III was here! Weighing in at 8lbs 3oz, 20 and 3/4in long, and just so perfect. He's in the NICU due to the fact that I started running fever during labor and they want him on antibiotics just to make sure he doesn't catch an infection. He hates if you touch his hat, loves his Wabbanub, and eats like a champ. Mommy and daddy get to feed him every 2&1/2 hours. Daddy has gotten more time with him since mommy had to let epidural fully wear out. But now mommy gets to hold and feed her sweet boy!