Woke up to feel something pop and felt a sharp sting in my stuff

Woke up to feel something pop and felt a sharp sting in my stuff. About 5 minutes later I decided to go to the restroom and that's when water came running onto the floor. I yelled for the father to wake up and got my oldest daughter woken up then headed to the hospital. When I finally got into a room I was on 5cm and -2. I didn't want to do any pain meds but my body was tired and the doctors kept pushing a epidural on me. I said it depends on how much I've progressed by 5a.m I was only at 6 cm dialated. So I was like fine I'll get it, then I got told that I would have to wait 12 hours from the last time I took my last lovinox shot, I laughed to myself and was thinking they are going to make me have this baby naturally. I know and knew I could do it because I've done it 4 times before. Between 6&7 I got something to relax me so that I could relax in between contractions. And I was at 8 cm.  By 7:00 my body was pushing out the baby. One of the hardest things to do is keep you from pushing when your body is telling you to. I got checked again and they were going to start preparing for me to start pushing, the doctor and nurses stepped out the room and I told dad and my daughter to catch the baby. By the time he yelled get in here the baby is here, baby was already laying on the bed.