Emery Jane's birth story

Ashley • 20 years old♍️ One daughter born on October 31st 🎃 In love ❤️
Welcome to the world Emery Jane! 8 pounds, 7 ounces and 20 inches long👣
I labored for 12 hours. I started cervadil at 10:30 ish but ended it a couple hours after because it made Emmys heart race. My water broke naturally at 2:50am and I started pitocin at 7am. Around 1pm I was 5cm dilated I got an epidural because my contractions were really hurting and I couldn't take it anymore. I had horrible back labor too 😁I did take nubain beforehand for pain but all it did was make me feel high for a little bit with little relief. The epidural didn't hurt! I was super surprised. Shortly after I was super numb but I was getting a lot of pressure in my butt and that was her head! I was ready to push and that was extremely painful as she came out more. I feel super bad for any woman who was in a room in labor near me because I was screaming so much. It was bad haha but once she came out after 45minutes/1 hour of pushing she was born at 2:45pm October 31st. No tearing, no stitches, no hemorrhoids. My bleeding decreased significantly every time I changed my *huge* diaper pad. Now it's like a normal period. I am sore but that got better as the hours went on. I made my first poop (tmi sorry!) the next morning and it didn't hurt at all! I am experiencing back pain and I'm not sure if that's from the epidural but it's manageable pain. 
Emmy is such a good baby and breastfeeding well! She sleeps a lot in between feedings. Loves being swaddled and suckling :) we're both bonding well and she loves her daddy :) My boyfriend helped me while I pushed with my nurse and was so encouraging. He watched her come out and cried ☺️ he also cut her cord! 
I haven't experienced any depression since birth and coming home but I cry a lot. Usually for nothing or I think about things that make me happy and I cry. But that's it as far as emotions go. 
I am so excited to be her mommy ❤️