Cycle issues

A :)
So this month I decided to start using OPKs. My cycles are typically 33/34 days with 4 day AF. Glow had my fertile week as this week. But I started testing about a week into my cycle to be sure. I have pcos and didn't know if I'm even ovulating. Well I got a positive on 10/31. According to glow AF not due until 11/19 and it's usually fairly accurate for that. However since ovulation I've had light cramping with some pulling sensations. And now I feel like I'm going to get AF within the next day or so. Idk what's going on. I never get it early, if anything it comes late. Although I do have pcos my cycles are regular at this point. Any thoughts? My mind is racing. I was (like everyone else) hoping this was the month. 
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This is the worst part of it all. As women we can't shut the brain off!Today I work and at home while eating my lunch. This stress is on top of moving next week and my boss being a condescending b@$&! I just wish something would come soon bfp or afRelieve me! Ugh


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I'm the same, only I don't have PCO. Been trying for two months now and every month I convince myself I'm pregnant with various pregnancy symptoms (I suspect this month will be no different). I'm getting a faint line on the ovulation tests but nothing solid yet and I'm at the beginning of 'the fertile window'. I guess you can do everything right but until you get those two lines.... This is my second baby but we were not expecting the first, so this is the first time we've tried. I'm much heavier now and I'm convinced I'm too fat! I've just started rambling on about myself now-sorry x