
Hi everyone I had put a post up the other day and I just want to add to it and ask what you all think. I have two daughters from my 1st marriage let's just say I was married to a control freak for 10 years I had to do everything for the kids and him as well as hold a job where he decided what hours I could work I felt trapped. I was steralized after my 2nd in 2011 I could not have anymore kids with this thing I was married to. I finally escaped from him and I'm now engaged to my soul mate who is quite a bit older and his kids are grown up now. We had both accepted we couldn't have any of our own until I had a chemical pregnancy in June. Which left us both disappointed. I have been referred for reversal but the wait is quite long. Anyway I figured if I conceived in June it could happen again. On Monday at 8 dpo I had pink discharge which went away nothing for 3 days then yesterday had brown discharge when I went to bathroom. I feel different and I've been moody and emotional do you think this could be our miracle?