Femara 🌈👶🏻

Hi ladies! I know medicine isn't for everyone and that this isn't the cure all for everyone with pcos. I just wanted to share that I am so thankful my re put me on femara. After over a year and a half of ttc and multiple miscarriages.. I was diagnosed with pcos with insulin resistance. I felt lost and ashamed. I was angry that I wasn't diagnosed sooner. That I gained so much weight and had I known sooner it could have been prevented. That I wasn't ovulating regularly. That my chance of having a baby without help was only 2-3%. Femara has given us the chance to have a baby. I'm 15 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. So far we have had no complications. My re never put me on clomid. She said femara works better for women with pcos. It took us 4 months on femara. I just want you to know if clomid doesn't work for you, there are other options. Never give up on having your rainbow baby!  My many thanks to science for femara.. The reason we finally conceived and are having our rainbow baby🌈👶🏻