Republican Presidential Candidacy

To preface this - I know that by posting this I will take a lot of heat from most of you ladies on here, but if you're able to speak your mind on this issue, so am I. I'm not looking for an Internet brawl, just those of you who are in favor of the most promising candidate there is to offer. 
Most people would say that when you hear the words "Donald Trump" you think loudmouthed, opinionated racist. 
Personally I believe through him the United States finally has a fighting chance at taking back America & restoring what it means to be an American. Putting aside his unsavory terms, combed-over hair, and pompousness Mr. Trump has shown to everyone around him that he's not afraid of what it takes to restore the sanctity of our proud country, and  sure as hell doesn't care about hurting someone's feelings in the efforts to make this country as great ( or even greater ) as it once was. What do you all think?